Tahquitz Climbing

Some of you that have known me for awhile may remember that before I got obsessed with kayaking, I used to be an avid rock climber. I’d climb all the time. Kim and I met at an indoor climbing gym, and were climbing partners before we dated.

But we only rarely climb anymore. I mostly kayak, and we’ve been busy with school, start-ups, work, family, etc.etc.

But we made a few trips to Joshua Tree this spring, and as I’ve lost a little weight I’m feeling a little more comfortable on rock again. We wanted to do a longer climb, to practice all the stuff that comes with multi-pitch climbing, but something not too hard, so we went to Tahquitz yesterday and climbed the famous Fingertip Traverse route with our friend Scott.

My head wasn’t all there. I remember climbing this route solo, without ropes, a number of years ago, but it felt harder than I remembered. I think gravity has gotten stronger in the last 5-6 years.

It was a fun day. Thanks Scott for joining us!


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