Friday night we had Kim’s mom, aunt and Grandma over for dinner, which meant another insanely late night drive…leaving our our house around 11:30 and with some mandatory roadside naps, we pulled into Jil and Jeff’s sweet mountain cabin right around 8:45 a.m. loaded Jeff’s truck, headed to the river and put in.
The MF American has miles of class II-III, a couple of class IVs, one Class V, and a class VI. kim rode the raft with Jeff, Jil, and Taylor, I paddled my kayak. It was fun paddling, pretty camping, and a fun group. Seriously good times.
I did have an ugly run on Tunnel Shoot. I need to paddle more. Smashed up my hands pretty good on the shallow rocks….Doh. I don’t recommend flipping in there.
Thanks to Jeff for being a solid guide, and getting Kim down river safely! Thanks to all for being such good company on the river.