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Margot’s story

Geoff Jennings Nomad Ice Pops Store: 626-872-5757 NEW Cell : 626-246-8231 Sent from my phone, please excuse brevity and typos.

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Margot and Hazel are playing in the living room, and our of nowhere Margot says, in a uncharacteristically serious little

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Zion National Park – Hiking the Narrows and Canyoneering

Kim and I vactioned in Zion National Park, where we hiked the amazing Narrows hike, learned about canyonering, explored some amazing canyons, had our car snacked on by squirrels, rode bikes and more. We’re been lucky enough to travel to some amazing spots in the planet, and when I do a trip like this I’m reminded that, especially in terms of natural beauty, America has some stuff that ranks right at the top of the list.

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