Category: Dailylife

It is Thanksgiving Day. My infant daughter, my mom, and I stand gathered around my grandma in her wheelchair to take a photograph that winds through four generations. My mom holds my baby in her arms, while my arms rest by my grandma. The flash

At the risk of jinxing this new routine, I have to say that in the last few weeks Hazel has started to sleep from around 9 pm to 1 to 3 am. This is a nice long stretch, and the longest stretch of the day.

Hazel is a little over 6 weeks old (6 weeks and 2 days, actually) and we are amazed how much she changes each day and definitely each week. Last week or the week before, we noticed that she started to be able to track people

I’ve been back at work, and it’s been tough. Kim has made it a bit easier by sending me lots of updates. She sends me pictures from time to time, which makes me smile every time, and I really appreciate it. I still miss the

In Chinese culture, one of the important celebrations is a 30 Day celebration. This is probably a cultural relic from the times when a lot of infants didn’t survive that long, so a new birth wasn’t celebrated until the 30 day mark. It’s typically food

We were just chilling on the floor, having a good time. She was awake, and had the hiccups (again!) and was being pretty vocal, but not screaming, so I decided to catch a minute or two….It went on much longer…   If you don’t see

Is when my baby sleeps on my chest. She loves it, and it just feels right. And I don’t mean “one of my favorite things about parenting”. I mean “one of my favorite things”. Period.

  Oh Hazel! My little truffle pig. I’ve wanted a baby for so long and now I have one and you’re even better than I imagined… From Geoff to Hazel. Made my heart melt.

  [nggallery id=4]It’s hard to believe she’s 15 days old already. Wow. Much of the last two weeks has been spent changing diapers and feeding, but sometimes, in between, we just chill. She’s opening her eyes more, and will sometimes just stare. It’s cute. She’s

  We’ve had a ton of nice visitors coming by over the last few weeks. Unfortunately, I haven’t been all that good about remembering to take photos, but I have snapped a few. [nggallery id=3]

It was a tough decision coming up with a name. We both had some desires, some things that we wanted included. I wanted to honor my Grandpa. Although I love and hold dear all my grandparents, my paternal step-grandfather was always particularly special to me.

Tonight, she had some hiccups. It’s the kind of thing that probably only parents and grandparents would find as entertaining as we did, but we loved it. It was also some of the longest views of her eyes we’ve had. Right now, they are a

Our little girl was born with Jaundice. Apparently it’s relatively common, affecting something like 1/2 of the babies born. If it’s treated, it’s no big deal, and we are happy and blessed that she was born with no serious medical issues. I had a hard

Kim – We had all of nine months to prepare, and though we were nearly completely ready, we still hadn’t done the essential preparations like car seat installations, finishing packing the hospital bag, and selecting a pediatrician. However, on August 11, after my OB nicked

Just a month left to go. Wow.

These pictures were some of the earliest, and best views we got of our baby. [nggallery id=1]