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“It’s more conceivable that I could measure out all the oceans on the earth, a broken teacup at a time, then grasp the amount of love I feel for my” little girls.

My friend David wrote this about someone in his life, and I’ve re-read the line about 50 times since he posted it, because it sums up how I feel about my girls better than any words I have. So I’m borrowing his words.

Got my first “I love you daddy” from Margot on Father’s day. Couldn’t be more perfect. =)

Lovely weekend of celebration. Celebration at Hazel’s pre-school, a sushi dinner, watching the girls dance, a drive-in movie with friends, cooking omelettes with the girls, and Kidspace.

Had a nice phone calls with my father Malcolm and perhaps the best, longest phone call my Dad (Ron) and I have had in years.

All in the company of my lovely wife Kim, without whom I wouldn’t be blessed with Margot and Hazel. I’m a lucky man.

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