Islas Coronado Scuba Diving, Mexico

Ok, calling it Mexico makes it sound more exotic than it is, but I had a fun weekend diving. Headed to San Diego with my friend Mitzi. Kim was invited, but declined due to an aversion for cold water. Saturday we did three dives at the Islas Coronado on the dive boat, the Lois Ann. It was three of the best cold water dives I’ve ever done. Visibility was in the 50 foot range at times. Sea life was plentiful, and the sea lions were the most playful I’ve ever seen them. We saw eels, lobsters, octopus, harbor seals, and, of course, the sea lions. It was awesome and fun and great. Super nice.

On day two we went back out, to explore some of the Wrecks of “wreck alley”. I’d been on some of them before, but it had been years. We dove the Yukon twice and the Ruby E. Visibility was poor, and we didn’t find much. I joked with Mitzi that if we averaged Sat and Sunday, we had a very average weekend of California diving. One spectacular, and below average. A great time overall.

Sea Lions at Isla Coronado – from Geoff Jennings on Vimeo.

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