Kim and I had a wonderful weekend in San Francisco. She was up visiting last week, and we were supposed to do a kayak trip on the East Carson. Sadly, due to high water levels, the trip was canceled. We thought for a few minutes, and Kim suggested a trip to San Francisco. I’d almost always rather play in the mountains, but SF is a city that I like. Not sure I’d want to live there, but it’s a cool place to visit.
Another reason to go this weekend, well, her brother was at a conference, which meant we could save some $$ by crashing on his high dollar downtown hotel floor.
Saturday morning rolled around, and we slept in. Left late morning, and drove the 3 hours to the city. Stopped by Davis to check out the campus there, and rolled into the city. Turns out saturday was the night of a free concert with the Wallflowers playing, and a Firework show. The wallflowers were ok, but the fireworks were spectacular. Seriously, probably the most impressive display I’ve seen.
After the show, we ate some yummy pasta/pizza at some hip little place, then crashed.
Sunday was another relaxed start, then we headed to the farmers market, which was very upscale. Ate some amazing sandwiches (softshell crab and crab cake), sampled everything we could, then went walking. SF is such a cool city. Rode the trolleys, which, although cheesy, was something I’d wanted to do for a very long time. We did some shopping, and some more walking around, then met up with Kim’s old friend Nhi and her boyfriend for a great evening, more awesome food.
In short, pretty much a walking around, eating tour of SF, and it was great.
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