She does love, love, love to cook, and it’s great for math practice.

Today I asked her "If we have 12 muffins in our tin, and 4 people in our family, how many muffins could we each have if we were sharing equally? so what is 12 divided by 4"

She thought for just a second or two, and then said "Three?"

I said "yes, how did you figure it out"

She said, "well, I saw that the muffin pan has 4 cups this way, and three cups this way, and 12 total. if this is your row, you get three, and if this is mommy’s row she gets three, and three for me and three for margot. "

I told her good job, then asked her, "if we had a muffin tin with 16 spaces, how many would each person get? so Whats 16 divided by 4?"

Without hesitation or enough time to count, she said "four!"

Great for fractions too. But slower for me getting things done.

She helped me make some strawberry mint pops the other day. Maybe tied for my favorite flavor so far.


On Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 12:04 PM Geoff Jennings <g> wrote:

Funny enough, I thought they were very good. Kim and Margot did too, but Hazel didn’t like the cinnamon. She asked if we could make blueberry next time.


On Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 11:46 AM Lyn Jennings <lyndajjen> wrote:

They look delicious…

From: Geoff Jennings [mailto:g]
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2016 12:30 PM
To: Kim Luu; Lynda Jennings; Yen Mach
Subject: Muffins

Hazel loves to cook.

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