In the hospital, they were closely monitoring Margot, since she had some jaundice. Less severe than Hazel, so she never had the photo-therapy that Hazel did, but enough to keep an eye on. We got sent home Saturday afternoon, and by Sunday lunchtime I was seeing things that led me to believe her bilirubin levels were elevated. I talked it over with Kim, and after observing her for a bit and talking to the pediatrician via phone, we decided to take her in and get the levels checked. Kim’s mom watched Hazel while we did this.
She was tested at the ER, and her levels were higher than they’d been, but still below the levels where they would admit and treat, so we were sent home, but by that time Kim’s mom had already gotten Hazel ready for bed and started getting her to sleep, so we decided to head to our house and pick up Hazel in the morning. We were also considering that if Margot got worse, we’d need to take her back overnight or first thing in the morning. Thankfully, Margot started nursing well, and Kim set alarms to wake every two hours to nurse her. Since pushing fluids is an effective treatment for jaundice, this seems to have helped, and this morning Margot is looking much better, with less yellow and less lethargic.
We headed over to Kim’s mom’s house to pick up Hazel, and she was so excited to see us and Margot. It was really cute. Hazel has been really interested in Margot, and wants to help with EVERYTHING. When I lifted Margot out of the car seat, Hazel was right there, saying “I want to hug her. Can I hug her now? Now? ”