Hazel is talking a lot these days. Her vocabulary seems to grow by the minute, and I’m amazed at some of the things she remembers.
Some things she’s been saying:
Help you – Actually, means help me, but we’re still working on pro-nouns.
Other foot/shoe/etc – She definitely gets "other" as a concept.
Hazel miss Po-po – This one blew me away. It was said without prompting.
Where is Daddy? – I was outside, working in the yard.
Outside TOOOO – Her response when Kim told her where I was.
Where shoes?
I luv mommy.
Mommy picture. Elephant picture, etc. etc – If it’s a picture of something, rather than the real thing, she’ll often say so.
I’m sure there are many more, but these are the ones that caught my attention in the last few days.