We had our first sail on our impulse buy at a garage sale sail boat today. It was also Hazel’s first time sailing ever, and mine in quite a few years.

I learned to sail in elementary school, and sailed regularly with my family until college, but since then haven’t done as much. I’d go occasionally with my parents, but a boat was out of the question for a long time. [codepeople-post-map]

Last fall we saw a boat at a garage sale, stopped to take a look. It was too small for our needs, but the owner mentioned he had another he’d consider selling. He made us a very good deal, and we were shortly after owners of a boat. It might be the physically largest impulse buy I’ve ever made, but was quite a bargain $$ wise.

I’ve had some work to do, a bit on the boat, more on the trailer
(pretty much ended up rebuilding it). Still feel like we got a heck
of a deal. Then we got busy, and a few days we were thinking of
going but there was no wind, so it’s been quite a while since we’ve
had the boat and we hadn’t taken it out.

We have now, and I’m pleased to say it sails nicely. I have a few
very minor things to get/change/fix/figure out, but for a first sail I was pretty
pleased, and nothing that would stop me from sailing it again, even
without fixes.

I look forward to more days sailing with Kim and Hazel. Hazel mostly
liked playing in any water that got in the cockpit.

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