Guatemala, Getting better…….

I suppose, after my last post, it would be hard for Guatemala to get worse. If it did, I probably wouldn´t be posting! After arriving it Antigua, I spent a few days recovering my leg and exploring the city. I was hanging out with Babke, the dutch girl who I met in Lanquin and helped me with the doctor. We met Emma, and irish traveler, and the three of us were hanging out. Last weekend, Babke was going to the beach, and Emma and I decided to travel to Lago Atilan together. It was a mellow weekend, super beautiful and Muy tranquilo. Thanks to Emma loaning me her camera, I was able to take loads of pictures. You guys know what a shutterbug I am and being without my camera was making me twitch a bit.

This week, I decided to sign up for a spanish language course. I love traveling in Latin American, and my lack of Spanish is embarrassing. I’ve been taking 6 hours a day of one on one instruction. My brain hurts. But I´ve learned a good amount and am enjoying it. i want to continue studying it when I get home. Kim comes down on Saturday, and is bringing the good camera, and we´re going to travel round the state, so you can expect loads and loads of photos in a week or so. [nggallery id=”1551″ nggid=”14″]

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